Fiche cheval fennec fox

R2C2platcourse a conditions 44933turffontein1000M6270kiddies entertainment 2 april juvenile plate8 partantsdépart à 10:35
Non-partants : 2 - 4 - 5
31fennec foxF36p1p3p(21)1pw kennedy2/11/2 l
2devon dasherM3Inéditb nyawo27/1
53gulf seaM3Inéditd schwarz12/12 l
4kalahari blueM3Inéditk de melo5.6/1
5lord of lightH3(21)3pj r syster11/1
18magic tycoonF32p2pk matsunyane3.3/100:58
27clean livingF33pc zackey6/14 l
46quixoteH3Inéditg lerena6.8/14 l

R3C4platcourse a conditions 45848turffontein1000M8550ruffian stakes (listed)7 partantsdépart à 14:15
12river queraressF31p(21)1p7pw kennedy4.1/100:58
25magic tycoonF32pk matsunyane16/13 l
33show timeF31pd schwarz3.4/11/2 l
47zoom ladyF33pj r syster14/12 l
54inevitableF3Inéditem yeni8.7/13 l 1/2
61fennec foxF31p3p(21)1pg lerena2.7/12 l
76more for meF3Inéditer fourie22/113 l

R2C2platcourse a conditions 48474vaal1000M6270computaform online juvenile plate6 partantsdépart à 10:35
12river queraressF31p7pm khan5.4/100:58
24rock the foxF3Inéditea marcus2.2/11 l 1/4
31fennec foxF31pw kennedy2.8/11/2 l
45rose velvetF35pr munger15/14 l
56sassyF37pm yeni19/13 l 1/2
63now is the timeF37pc habib11/11/4 l

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